When is the best time to join a medical aid?

The best time to join a medical aid is IMMEDIATELY. Ideally a person will belong to a medical aid from childhood and continue through to adulthood but this is not always possible. The moment you become economically active by the way of a job or your own business, you should sign up for medical aid. The best time is when you are young and do not need cover. Waiting to fall ill or sign up for medical aid once you need it is risky and can work against you.

Medical schemes have various penalties, exclusions and waiting periods in place to ensure that new members to a medical aid do not only sign up to claim without having contributed to the pool over time. But if you signed up for cover at least a year before you need to claim, then you can rest assured of full medical aid benefits as per the plan you chose.

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Age Limit for Children and the Elderly on Medical Aid

There is actually no age limit on medical aid. Any person of any age who has the right to live and work in South Africa can sign up for medical aid cover. However, there are some restrictions and penalties depending on when you join a medical aid. Your age is not used in a discriminatory manner to determine your level of cover. In fact medical aids in South African accepts any person for cover irrespective of their age or health status although some exclusions may apply for a specified waiting period.

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